The RISE family project supports families of individuals accessing other A Way Out services to develop relationships that are nurturing and fulfilling and offers a non-judgemental safe space for reflection and healing.
The service complements all areas of A Way Out’s project area providing bespoke person centred support to each benefiting family by delivering a whole family approach and co - ordinating the work and action of partner agencies addressing need and sharing information.
Young People Services
Families who have children engaged in A Way Out’s Unity Services receive support to strengthen the family unit leading to better outcomes for young people. This support enables parents to promote better family communication and coherence and facilitates and empowers families to play and learn together. Parents are encouraged to develop positive relationships with schools and agencies to lead to better engagement and raised attainment and aspiration for their children.
Adult Services
Complimenting all areas of A Way Out’s Horizon work, providing bespoke person centred support to each benefiting family by delivering a whole family approach and co - ordinating the work and action of partner agencies addressing need and sharing information.
Yvonne* a mother of 3 children is on a low income and struggling financially. One child is on a waiting list for an ADHD/Autism assessment. She is suffering from low self esteem, low confidence and struggles to manage the behaviour of her oldest child who is working with the Blossom team.
The family worker has helped Yvonne with managing her finances and she is now back on track with her bills. She has registered with a training provider to give her vocational skills to help integrate her in the world of work. The team have also discussed strategies for managing her children’s behaviour and are looking at referring to our Children’s Family Worker to support them.
Yvonne is happy to have her finances back on track, she is attending college and is hoping to have a career in the beauty industry. She feels that the strategies are helping her cope better with her children’s behaviour.
* names changed

Updated December 2024