Here at A Way Out we can offer our service users a psychotherapy service provided by a qualified
Many of the clients we see at A Way Out come with painful experiences in their childhood. Some of them have noticed that these experiences from the past get in the way of their lives today. Very often these experiences become a block to the future. Psychotherapy can help with dealing with those experiences from the past so that you can move on in life.
What is Psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy is talking to a trained person about what is on your mind or is a problem to you. A psychotherapist will listen to what you say and not judge you or be shocked.
Psychotherapists enable you to understand how you can help yourself and that you do have the answers you need to resolve whatever is going on.
What is talked about in the psychotherapy session is treated with respect and is confidential. There is a
confidentiality policy and this is explained at the start of the psychotherapy.

How Does Psychotherapy Work?
Talking about yourself and your life can help you to:
ï‚·see things more clearly
hear what you have to say
work out your feelings
In this way the psychotherapy helps you to work out what you want for yourself.
How do Clients get Access to the Psychotherapy?
You can find out more about psychotherapy at A Way Out by talking to Franca. Ask your A Way Out key worker about this.
If you feel that you are ready for psychotherapy please ask your A Way Out key worker to refer you to the service.
Psychological Pathway