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Youth & Family Team

Writer's picture: A Way OutA Way Out

14th week of lockdown

We’ve now entered our 14th week of lock down and want to reach out to our partner organisations to update you on our scaled back delivery in line with government guidance.

Government guidance is changing daily and we continue to support our families and young people whilst adhering to social distancing. In May AWO launched its digital platform and the Youth Team have been supporting children and young people via video technology.

Sessions so far include transitional work for Year 6s moving onto secondary school and support for children who are struggling emotionally during this difficult and challenging time.

The Youth team are in the process of setting up a weekly ‘youth channel’ that will enable the

team to reach out to children using pre recorded sessions covering a variety of topics and ideas. We continue to provide weekly food and toiletry packs to families who are in need. We are averaging approximately 50 delivery parcels per week through the organisation.

Mental Health Awareness week took place on the 18th-24th May with a theme of ‘kindness’. The Youth and family team delivered ‘sweet treat’ packs to clients as well as ‘kindness’ activities including logging acts of kindness. A COVID-19 government guidance update was also included within the parcels to help break down terminology and help keep families stay updated accessible and 'user friendly’ information.


Feedback remains important to us in order to inform and adapt our delivery. We recognise the importance of being reactive to changing needs in a time where restrictions and requirements can change daily...

"Throughout the covid pandemic we have not only had to

adapt our way of working to be more creative but have overcome

challenges to ensure that clients feel valued, there needs are being

met and that we are limiting social isolation to promote well being,

in compliance with guidance and legislation.

We have done this in a number of ways -

Having one weekly one to ones over the phone

Using social networks such as Facebook to ensure that a wealth of

information can reach our clients, this includes well being activities,

mindfulness sessions and fitness videos.

We have delivered well being packs and food parcels to all of our

clients to ensure that everyone feels included, valued and

supported during lockdown.

Recently we have been able to have socially distanced one to ones which

has been so beneficial to all. Its lovely to catch up with our clients

and provided additional support especially for those that have been

self isolating for longer periods of time."

– family

"The learning journal and conversation cues were so beneficial and thank

you so much for thinking outside of the box when I said I didn't want counselling,

it has helped me massively and I'm very very grateful”

– client

Thank you!

We’d like to say thanks to those that donated Easter Eggs to AWO. Many

families have benefited from the eggs with lots of happy smiley faces on

Easter weekend. We’d also like to extend a huge thank you to all key

workers and NHS front line workers that are working day and

night to ensure we flatten the curve and slow the

spread of infection.

You are our heroes...

– Youth and Family team, A Way Out


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