We are shocked to report the theft of the A Way Out van. The van is a lifeline across all the projects. It enables evening and daytime outreach to on street sex workers and women who are sexually exploited across Teesside. It allows us to conduct weekly welfare visits with our young women, helping us transport the equipment needed for us to engage with our young people in primary and secondary schools, to meeting immediate need through the food pickups and donations.

The van is recognised by members of the community, who are often the ones most in need and sometimes disconnected from other services, as a familiar trusted service vehicle, bringing hope, vital support and help to meet immediate basic needs.
In any one week we will regularly distribute 22 food parcels and donations to Liberty Project clients which will include a visual welfare visit: 30 wellbeing parcels to our girls and young women in our Blossom Project along with 10 food parcels. We will deliver belongings to help families move into safe stable accommodation, transport equipment and sometimes our young people so that they can attend activities and programmes to address isolation and improve mental health.
The van for the last 8 and half years has enabled us to extend our reach, bring the services to where our clients are stood and to connect with the community; bringing love, hope and freedom to those who need to see, hear, and feel this the most. Any support that can be provided or fundraising to help us replace the van at this very difficult and challenging financial time would be greatly appreciated.
If you would like to find out how you can support A Way Out during this time, please contact info@awayout.co.uk.