‘Intensive care’ is a term we are hearing daily. It is an expression which may currently illicit feelings of fear and apprehension along with images of highly dedicated nursing staff, PPE, monitors and oxygen tubes. These images appear daily alongside experience of heart-breaking losses and recovery victories. In our homes many of us are caring intensively for ourselves and others as we stay home, care for loved ones and socially distance.

Like many local community groups, churches and charities, A Way Out has been maintaining care for the vulnerable under these highly restricting circumstances. Daily A Way Out staff make contact via phone and texting; deliver food parcels/activity packs to relieve crisis during these extreme conditions. Whilst employing this limited communication A Way Out has actually experienced an increase in client engagement. This is a direct result of increase in needs related to compound complexities of mental health; issues of homelessness; and exploitation within the home and beyond. Working with partner agencies A Way Out has continued to care intensively for vulnerable women, young people and families … and we are not the only ones…
Our supporters have also cared intensively providing support through donations – even thinking outside of the box whilst inside their homes - organising online fundraising events providing much needed financial support for A Way Out whilst raising spirits and wellbeing of the community taking part.
A Way Out and clients thank all of our supporters for caring so intensively.
For more information please go to www.awayout.co.uk, or contact 01642 655071, info@awayout.co.uk.