How do you say thank you? A quick thanks and a hug (back when hugs were permitted)? A
card through the post? A bunch of flowers? Or something personal which you know will
express your gratitude in a very special way?

For the staff of A Way Out receiving a thank you from a client is always extra special, it
means that a life has been empowered and changed, that a woman or young person now
recognises the value of their own potential and self-worth and that their future will not be
directed by past experience of crisis, difficulties or disadvantage.

Last month one of the young women who is engaged with A Way Out’s Blossom project
received support whilst struggling with difficult life circumstances. The young women was
so impacted by the patience and care shown by her case worker that she too wanted to
make a positive impact in the lives of other girls. By arranging a fundraising campaign on-
line the young woman raised £90 for the Blossom Project – giving such a sense of
achievement and purpose, and a real boost to her own self confidence, whilst knowing she
is helping the project to continue to support others. We were so touched by the effort this
young woman put into the fundraising – this was a huge lift to staff and clients alike!
We would love to encourage others to follow this young man’s example – consider what you can do, think creatively for your community, contact A Way out on 01642 655071 or We would love to hear from you!