One of the most unique things A Way Out is able to provide is our evening outreach. This service gives our staff and volunteers the ability to meet our clients where they are at, without judgement, and offer them the support that is so badly needed. This may be in the form of a check in, a cup of tea, or a food parcel. These simple interactions from evening outreach can lead to some of the most ground breaking work that can then be done in the lives of the women we support.
Many, if not all of the women who access our Liberty Project have experienced stigma and multiple disadvantages. People may ask why our client group can’t ‘just help themselves’, but the complexities of their situations are entrenched and are usually part of bigger societal problems, such as poverty and inequality.
Understanding the impact of trauma is fundamental to the work that we do and having that level of understanding allows us to put the client’s needs at the centre of the support they go on to access from A Way Out.
For quite some time, our outreach service was unable to go ahead due to many reasons. Lockdown restrictions meant that it could not safely go ahead. Then, once these restrictions were lifted, our van was stolen. For some time, we were unable to have eyes and ears on the streets, to offer the safety planning and support to the women who rely on this service.
In the last month we have finally been able to raise sufficient funds through the support of our local community and partners, to be able to purchase a new vehicle. This has meant that once again, the service which reaches out to so many vulnerable women, is now back up and running.
Our staff and volunteers are so thrilled to be able to support our clients in this way again. We have so many exciting new opportunities coming up and are always looking for volunteers to come on board. If you would like to get involved and support our Liberty Outreach service, please email info@Awayout.co.uk.
Written By Hannah Dodsworth